
All functionality and components of opencv flow are added via plugin.

To create your own components, just create a new plugin and add the components to the plugin.

Creating Components

The basic composition of a component is composed of a menu and a processor.

The menu contains the name of the component shown in the top bar.

The processor contains the class that processes data from nodes connected to the component.

import { CVFComponent } from 'renderer/types/component';
export class CustomComponent extends CVFIOComponent {
//Nav Bar Menu link Definitions
static menu = { tabTitle: "Top Tab Bar", title: 'Menu name' };
// Class responsible for processing data cycles or images frames
static processor = class CustomNode extends CVFNodeProcessor {
//Function called when starting processing (click run). one time call
async start(): Promise<void> {
//Function called every new operation cycle/frame
async proccess(): Promise<void> {
//Function called when stopping processing. one time call
async stop(): Promise<void> {

Adding Plugin

To add a plugin, just create a Typescript Object that extends the PluginType type and add this object to the plugins file located in "./src/plugin/index.tsx".

import { PluginType } from 'renderer/types/plugin';
const CustomPlugin: PluginType = {
name: 'Custom Plugin',
components: [
export default CustomPlugin;
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By Piemontez

OpenCV-Flow possui código livre

Visão Computacional



